Risk Analytics

Gain insight to common pathways that lead to poor outcomes. Guide treatment and get ahead of patient deterioration with risk indices that were developed utilizing more than 150 million hours of de-identified patient data.

Etiometry is the only company in the world with four FDA-cleared risk analytics algorithms for critical care.

The Etiometry platform continuously ingests patient data and streams algorithms to detect patient deterioration, providing the ability to look deeply into all patient physiologies to facilitate proactive and individualized care escalation and de-escalation.
The Etiometry platform continuously ingests patient data and streams algorithms to detect patient deterioration, providing the ability to look deeply into all patient physiologies to facilitate proactive and individualized care escalation and de-escalation.

Objective and continuous assessment of the risk of patient deterioration, facilitating both escalation and de-escalation decisions

Inadequate Delivery of Oxygen: Etiometry IDO2 Index™

  • Calculates the probability of SvO2 < 30, 40, 50%
  • Clinical focus: Hypoxemia, goal directed therapy, vasoactive support weaning, extubation readiness

Inadequate Ventilation of Carbon Dioxide:
Etiometry IVCO2 Index™

  • Calculates the probability of PaCO2 > 50, 60 mmHg
  • Clinical focus: Hypercapnia, neurological damage

Etiometry HLA Index™

  • Calculates the probability of lactate > 4 mmol/L
  • Clinical focus: Organ failure, anaerobic metabolism

Etiometry ACD Index™

  • Calculates the probability of pH < 7.25
  • Clinical focus: Respiratory acidosis, low cardiac output

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Request highlights of clinical outcomes data associated with Etiometry use


  1. Etiometry’s IDO2 Index™ is solely indicated for use for adult patients and patients under 12 years with weights above 2 kg.
  2. Etiometry’s IVCO2 Index™ is solely indicated for use for invasively mechanically ventilated patients 0 days to 12 years.
  3. The Etiometry Platform is not an active patient monitoring system. It is intended to supplement and not replace any part of the hospital’s device monitoring. Do not rely on the Etiometry Platform as the sole source of patient status information. For prescription use only.